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Do Contact Lenses Get Thicker with Prescription?

Everyone deserves quality eye care, and regular eye exams play a critical role in preserving eye health and vision. For those people with vision correction needs, glasses and contact lenses provide staple choices.  Eyeglasses for refractive errors include a lens prescription. With significant refractive errors, one may need a stronger prescription and a thicker lens. […]

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What Does Retinal Imaging Show?

Early detection of vision issues is key in protecting the health of your eyes. Comprehensive eye exams, like digital retinal imaging, are quick, painless, and effective ways for eye doctors to view inside the eyes and record any changes that might point to vision or other health issues.  Early eye disease detection makes it possible […]

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How To Tell if a Baby Needs Glasses

Vision Health for Infants Infants experience a lot of growth in their early years. They’re learning how to use their bodies, including their eyes. Visual skills are necessary for many everyday things your baby is learning. Visual skills include tracking object movement, recognizing faces, and hand-eye coordination. Every child develops differently. But vision development milestones […]

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Can an Optometrist Tell if You Have Diabetes?

Dealing with diabetes can be difficult and might leave you feeling overwhelmed. Early diagnosis and proper treatment can give you the power to manage your diabetes with confidence. There are many ways to diagnose diabetes early, including through regular eye exams.  Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in Canada, so regular eye exams and […]

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Do Contact Lenses Expire?

Many people choose contact lenses over glasses when they need vision correction. These lenses can help you see clearly without needing frames, but they require more maintenance. Because contact lenses rest on your eyes, do they have an expiration date?  Continue reading to learn more about contact lenses, including if they can expire and how […]

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Are Floaters in the Eye Dangerous

Eye floaters are a normal part of ageing, but can they be dangerous? Understanding why eye floaters occur can help you know whether or not you should visit your optometrist for an emergency.  Continue reading to learn more about eye floaters, including what they are, how they develop, and if they’re dangerous.  What Are Eye […]

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Does My Child Need Glasses?

Healthy Vision for Our Little Ones   We all want our children to be happy and successful in their endeavours, and healthy vision can play a massive part in a child’s overall wellness. Our kids grow up fast, and their eyes develop right alongside them. How can you tell if they’re hitting the correct visual milestones?  […]

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What Happens If I Wear My Contacts Too Long?

Contact lenses can be a great alternative to glasses. For many people, contact lenses are easy to wear, more comfortable, and more aesthetically pleasing than traditional eyeglasses.  Even though many people prefer contacts over glasses, they do require more maintenance and care. Contact lenses can be a lot more work than glasses and need to […]

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How Do Optometrists Test for Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in Canada, and you may not even notice anything is wrong until vision loss occurs. If you have undiagnosed glaucoma, how do you identify this disease before your vision is affected?  A series of tests used during a comprehensive eye exam can detect any eye problems. […]

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Visit Us at Calgary Family Eye Doctors

Where is Our Office?

Find us just off Southport Road SW on the west side of Macleod Trail.

Where Can You Park?

There is 2 hour free parking directly outside the professional building.

Our Address

  • 11th Floor, 1125-10655 Southport Road SW
  • Calgary, AB T2W 4Y1

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Friday: 8:00 AM 4:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

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