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Category: Children’s Eye Care

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What to Expect at a Kids Eye Exam

Children rely on their eyesight to learn, explore, develop, and grow. A child’s eyes change rapidly as they age, which is why experts recommend regular eye exams for growing kids.  But what happens during a kid’s eye exam? Simply put, an eye professional will go through a series of tests to ensure your child’s eyes […]

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How To Tell if a Baby Needs Glasses

Vision Health for Infants Infants experience a lot of growth in their early years. They’re learning how to use their bodies, including their eyes. Visual skills are necessary for many everyday things your baby is learning. Visual skills include tracking object movement, recognizing faces, and hand-eye coordination. Every child develops differently. But vision development milestones […]

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Does My Child Need Glasses?

Healthy Vision for Our Little Ones   We all want our children to be happy and successful in their endeavours, and healthy vision can play a massive part in a child’s overall wellness. Our kids grow up fast, and their eyes develop right alongside them. How can you tell if they’re hitting the correct visual milestones?  […]

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How Too Much Screen Time Impacts Kid’s Eye Health

Are you worried about how screen time is affecting your child’s eye health? The truth is, most children are getting too much screen time, and it can lead to poor eye development and puts your child at risk for developing certain eye conditions, such as digital eye strain.   If you’re concerned about the effects of […]

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Visit Us at Calgary Family Eye Doctors

Where is Our Office?

Find us just off Southport Road SW on the west side of Macleod Trail.

Where Can You Park?

There is 2-hour free parking on the south side (first lot) and the west side of the professional building.

Our Address

  • 11th Floor, 1125-10655 Southport Road SW
  • Calgary, AB T2W 4Y1

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Friday: 8:00 AM 4:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

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