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COVID-19 Update – Our promise to you.

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COVID-19 Update – Our promise to you.

Our promise to you.

Wow! What a whirlwind these last few months have been; we’ve all seen some challenges during these unprecedented times.
On April 30th our government made the announcement that allied health services can return to offering non-urgent routine care. We are beyond happy to announce that we are open once again, doing what we do best; helping you.

Our best practice has always been the health and safety of our patients and team, so
we have been busy preparing for this since our closure began. We knew we would need to create a “new normal.” It’s been a challenge, but we have risen to it! Our team has worked non-stop to make sure we have all the proper safety procedures and protocols ready for our re-opening.

We have made the decision to move forward very cautiously. We are committed to keeping you safe, and in doing so, we promise to maintain our commitment to practicing in the safest way possible.

• Our team is up to date with our new procedures, policies, and practices to keep us all safe.
• All team members will wear PPE for everyone’s protection
• Our equipment will be thoroughly sanitized between each visitor.
• The number of people permitted in the space at one time will be limited to ensure that a 2-meter distance will be maintained whenever possible.
• All visitors (including our team) will be going through a series of COVID screening questions prior to entering the clinic.
• If you are experiencing an emergency or have a referral from your General Practitioner, please call the office so we can schedule you in ASAP. 403-225-5660

Please read before your visit:
• Please call us at 403-225-5660 if you are feeling unwell in any way and we will be happy to reschedule your appointment.
• We will update your information when booking your appointment. ie) Address, phone number, email, Alberta Health Care number and insurance.
• Please bring a mask. If you do not have one, let us know. Hand sanitizer will be available for you when you enter the clinic, give your hands a thorough cleaning.
• Once you have completed our check in process you will be escorted to begin your examination.
• Upon completion of your exam, a team member will be available to assist you in our eye-wear gallery.
• Our optical team will direct you on our safety protocol during your frame and lens selection.

Thank you for choosing us to look after all of your visual needs. We really look forward to seeing you!! We know you have options and we appreciate your trust.

Your Calgary Family Eye Doctors Team

Written by
Dr. Brent Hopfauf

Dr. Hopfauf is a born-and-raised Calgarian and one of the proud owners of Calgary Family Eye Doctors. After earning his Bachelor of Science degree with distinction from the University of Calgary, he headed to Ontario for the Optometry Program at the University of Waterloo. Upon graduation, Dr. Hopfauf was named Class Valedictorian. He has had the unique opportunity to further his training in ocular diseases in Houston, Texas and has studied specific conditions that include glaucoma, cataracts, dry eyes, and uveitis.

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Visit Us at Calgary Family Eye Doctors

Where is Our Office?

Find us just off Southport Road SW on the west side of Macleod Trail.

Where Can You Park?

There is 2-hour free parking on the south side (first lot) and the west side of the professional building.

Our Address

  • 11th Floor, 1125-10655 Southport Road SW
  • Calgary, AB T2W 4Y1

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Friday: 8:00 AM 4:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

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