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Glaucoma: The Silent Thief of Sight in South Calgary

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Glaucoma: The Silent Thief of Sight

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness; in Canada alone, there are over 400,000 people who suffer from glaucoma. It’s called the “silent thief of sight” because it usually occurs with no symptoms. What is glaucoma? Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that affect the optic nerve. Glaucoma occurs when there is […]

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Visit Us at Calgary Family Eye Doctors

Where is Our Office?

Find us just off Southport Road SW on the west side of Macleod Trail.

Where Can You Park?

There is 2-hour free parking on the south side (first lot) and the west side of the professional building.

Our Address

  • 11th Floor, 1125-10655 Southport Road SW
  • Calgary, AB T2W 4Y1

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Friday: 8:00 AM 4:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

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