Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness; in Canada alone, there are over 400,000 people who suffer from glaucoma. It’s called the “silent thief of sight” because it usually occurs with no symptoms. What is glaucoma? Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that affect the optic nerve. Glaucoma occurs when there is […]
Diabetes and your eyes
If you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, you’ve likely been told that you need to get your eyes checked yearly. Have you wondered why your family doctor is telling you that you need to see your optometrist to help monitor your diabetes? The short answer is that in an eye exam, your optometrist […]
Introducing the Dry Eye Clinic
A note: if this post looks familiar to you and you’re a newsletter subscriber, that’s because this post was initially released as a newsletter to our patients. If you’d like to sign up for our newsletter, please sign up here. Do you suffer from dry eyes? Have you tried multiple drops and found only temporary […]
Vision Coverage: What is Covered by Alberta Health?
Here is a brief overview of Alberta Health’s vision coverage. Children Alberta Health covers one complete eye exam for children and teens under the age of 19 every benefit year (a benefit year is July 1 – June 30). They will also cover one partial exam and one diagnostic procedure. Please note that Alberta Health […]
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5 Ways Your Glasses Prescription Can Change Rapidly

Our eyes, and therefore our vision, can change over time. But if you notice your vision becoming rapidly blurrier, it’s time to visit your eye doctor for an eye exam and up-to-date prescription. There are a number of reasons you prescription might change rapidly, including: Diabetes This is probably the most common cause of temporary […]
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Children’s Vision Issues
While children may have symptoms that can indicate a vision or eye health problem, it’s also possible for vision issues to be asymptomatic. In these cases, the only way to detect them would be through a comprehensive eye health exam. […]
Children and Eye Health: The Importance of Regular Eye Exams
October is children’s vision month, so throughout the month, we will be working to bring awareness to children’s eye health. This month, we wanted to talk about the importance of children’s eye exams, and why focusing on their eye health is just as important as focusing on our own. […]
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Digital Eye Strain
It’s no secret that people are spending more and more time on digital devices. After all, we’re very much a plugged-in society. But how does all this screen time affect our eye health? Does it have an effect at all? […]
Blue Light
So…what exactly is blue light? Essentially, it is a high energy light that is visible to the human eye. All light that we see falls along the visible light spectrum (remember the acronym ROYGBV?). […]
Eye Care Missions
A few years ago, I was lucky enough to volunteer with VOSH International to perform ocular examinations for the underprivileged in Belize. It was one of the most incredible and memorable trips I have ever taken. Belize is a beyond-beautiful country with such friendly and kind people. The first few days were spent on the […]